Vietnam embassy in Bolivia

Vietnam embassy in Bolivia

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Bolivia ?

We are sorry to inform you that we can’t find any information about the Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate in Bolivia because there is currently no Vietnam Embassy/Consulate in this country.

We always work day and night to update their information to our website, so, as soon as there is a Vietnam Embassy/Consulate established in Bolivia, you can know by checking in our website for the latest news.

Please contact us if you have any new information about the Embassy/Consulate of Vietnam in Bolivia, we highly appreciate your kindness.


Complete Name: Plurinational State of Bolivia

Native Name: Bolivia


Capital: Sucre / La Paz

Principal Cities : Santa Cruz (de la Sierra), El Alto, La Paz, Cochabamba, Sucre, Oruro

Departments : Beni, Chuquisaca, Cochabamba, La Paz, Oruro, Pando, Potosí, Santa Cruz, Tarija.

Please click here for Vietnam visa inquiry.