Vietnam Embassy in Cyprus

Vietnam Embassy in Cyprus

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Cyprus ?

We have tried our best to seek for the contact address of the Vietnam Embassy in Cyprus but we must inform you that there has been no Vietnam Embassy or Consulate in this country until now. We kindly suggest you to contact a Vietnam Embassy or Consulate in any country that you think nearest and most convenient for you to apply for your visa to Vietnam.

Whenever there is an Embassy or Consulate of Vietnam in Cyprus, we will post on our website immediately.  Also, we shall much appreciate any information you can send us in this regard.


Complete Name: Republic of Cyprus

Native Name: Kýpros


Capital: Levkosía

Districts in Cyprus : Ammóchostos, Lárnaka [Larnaca], Lemesós [Limassol], Levkosía [Nicosia], Páfos [Paphos]

Principal Cities : Lemesós, Stróvolos, Levkosía, Lárnaka.

Please click here for Vietnam visa inquiry.