Dong Xuan market in Hanoi, Vietnam

Overview information: Dong Xuan market (Đồng Xuân market)

Address: Dong Xuan street, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi.

Opening time: 8:00 A.M to 6:00 P.M

Most traded items: Clothing, househoud goods.

Target customer: People in Hanoi and nearby provinces.

Origin of commodity: most items come from China.

Dong Xuan market is known as one of the most crowded wholesale market in Hanoi. The market has lots of diversified goods with cheap price for each item. Dong xuan market sells lots of diversified goods, from foods like candy, wine, fresh or dried seafood to clothers, shoes, handbags, hats, etc.

Commodities sold from Dong Xuan market are abundant and belonging to different styles of models. That's why it is suitable to every taste and customer. There is even some items in Dong xuan which is so hard for customers to find at other markets.

Low-price commodity is a strong point of Dong Xuan market. As a wholesale market, it provide products for retail shops in Hanoi and nearby provinces. Therefore the price of products at Dong Xuan market is the original cost which is lower than other markets and local shops. There is no bargain for traders buying goods from Dong Xuan market, that's why commercial activities are quickly done. With large space, it's not difficult for customer to go sightseeing and shopping at Dong Xuan market because the market is sectioned. Each section has its own item. For example, shoes and sandal are sold at first floor, clothing is sold at second floor.

However, customers can hardly buy anything from this market because just wholesale buyers are able to buy products. Although there is some retail shops on the second floor, you must know the art of "bargain" and you had better avoid buying retail goods in the morning because the shop keeper may feel uneasy with a retail buyer. Anyway, if you have chance to come there, you may want to enjoy just going sight-seeing.