What are the photo requirements for Vietnam visa on arrival?

Vietnam is not so strict on photo requirements for Vietnam visa on arrival. However, it would be really helpful when you have information about photo requirements for Vietnam visa on arrival. Following is the list of regulations regarding photo requirements for the visa on arrival of our country:

- Two photos are required (one glued on the entry and exit form, one is presented if needed)

- Photographs must be passport-sized, identical and taken within the last 6 months.

- The image size from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head should be from 1 inch to 13/8 inches.

- The photographs should be in color.

- Your full face must be shown on the photo with a plain light (white or off-white) background.

- Photographs should be taken in normal street attire, without any hat or headgear that obscures the hair or hairline.

- Uniforms should not be worn in photographs with the exception of religious attire which is worn daily.

- If prescription glasses, a hearing device, wig or similar articles are normally and consistently worn, they should be worn when the picture is taken.

- Dark glasses or nonprescription glasses with tinted lenses are not acceptable unless required for medical reasons. A medical certificate may be required to support the wearing of such glasses in the photographs.

Please click here forĀ Vietnam visa inquiry