What information do I need to provide so that I can apply for my Vietnam visa approval letter?

It is very simple and doesn’t lose your time. Just complete these 6 following information:

1. Your full name on passport: first name, last name ( please write exactly the same as your name in your passport)

2. Date of birth (DOB)

3. Nationality

4. Passport Number

5. Proposed arrival date

6. Purpose of visit

For further information, please see full visa application form for Vietnam visa online

Please notice that all the information cited in the approval letter must be exactly the same as the information in your passport, the passport itself must be valid for 6 months, and the photos accompanied must be valid within six months and look mostly like you. We would also like to stress the point that, once you get the approval letter issued by Immigration Office, you cannot modify any information stated on the letter. In case you need to change these details or plan to arrive earlier than the approved date, you have to reapply for a new visa approval letter.

Please click here for Vietnam visa inquiry